Online registration is now closed - but don't worry! If you still want to attend, please contact Dennisa Walker at (815) 836-5882 or to be added to the list!
University Green | Must be 21
Photos will be taken at the event, please contact us at if you don't want your photo taken.
This will take place rain or shine! The rain venue will be Charlie's Place (University Dining Room).
Some of the faculty and staff in attendance include:
Jerry Kavouras | John Planek | Lauren Rentfro | Megan Zahos
Fred Gandy | Ann O’Brien | Mike McFerron | Nanci Reiland
Erica Kwiatkowski-Egizio | Mark Swain | Natalie Swain | Mike Progress
Paul Kaiser | Jan Mines | Pam Jessee | Scott Trost | Jo Slowik