Senior Spotlights
Year: Senior
Major: Aviation and Aerospace Engineering
What is the best thing about Lewis?
Lewis has been such a great place for me to establish my life and career within the aviation and aerospace world. I'm really grateful for the opportunities I've received here, as well as for the friendships formed here with students and professors alike. It's been a great 4 years here and if I had to pick one thing that really made Lewis stand out, it would definitely be the people; both staff and students; that have helped make this campus what it is!
Why did you choose Lewis?
I decided to come to Lewis due to its strong background in the world of aviation and aerospace. The courses offered were really intriguing and the facilities on hand were (and still are) at a very high standard with regards to the practices followed and equipment provided. Furthermore, I thought it would be a great university to start off my academic career, especially due to the fact that I wanted to continue my studies after getting my bachelor’s degree.
What inspired you to study your major?
Aviation and aerospace have always been passions of mine. Ever since I was a little kid, I used to play with model aircraft and make little sketches of different airlines in my spare time! Back In high school, I established the Aviation Society where we offered students the opportunity of learning more about aviation and even provided interested students the chance of starting their flight training while still in high-school. With little strides like these, I knew that I wanted to be in this field, even though I always thought that I would only become an Airline Pilot. After coming to discover the world of aircraft engineering and the science behind making aircrafts fly, I knew that this is what I really wanted to study. Lewis seemed like a great option for me!
What do you do for fun at the University?
Lewis definitely has a very family-orientated environment, and I think that's been really helpful in making friends, especially since I'm an International student here! In my free time, I would normally spend my time with friends, either going for walks around campus and enjoying the views, having a workout session with friends, or even having dinner together after a long day of classes! Furthermore, getting involved in some of the Intramural activities was always fun, as it was a great way to connect with friends outside the classroom! Living on campus has also been great as I've been able to enjoy the sights and sound that our beautiful campus really has.
What would you like to say to everyone who has supported you throughout your journey at Lewis?
To the faculty, staff and alumni who have all contributed to making Lewis the place it is today, thank you so much for all your support! With your constant drive to make each day better, you've helped make Lewis a great environment to facilitate learning as well as a great place to foster growth and development. Thank you for all you have done, as well as for everything you continue to do in support of the students at Lewis University. I think I can safely say that we all are so grateful for your hard work and efforts!
What is one fun fact about you?
I used to be a competitive swimmer and got to travel to numerous places across the world in order to compete! I'm also a photographer (whenever I get the time to take pictures!) and have been able to see a decent amount of countries across the world through the lens of my camera!