Lewis has embarked on a journey to become an "All-Steinway" School. Make a gift below to help the Music Department reach their goals.

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Why Steinway?

All-Steinway Schools demonstrate a commitment to excellence and a unique educational experience by providing students with the rich, unrivaled sound and pristine touch of Steinway and Steinway-deisgned Boston pianos. This initiative is a way for our alumni and donors to say they support the students at Lewis by leaving a lasting impact on their hearts and minds through music!

Giving Levels

Name A Boston UP120S - $5,000
(6 needed)
Name A Steinway 1098 - $35,000
(1 needed)
Name A Steinway K52 - $35,000
(2 needed)
Name A Steinway M - $65,000
(1 needed)
Name A Steinway A - $75,000
(1 needed)
Name A Steinway D - $175,000
(1 needed)